Alex Sharp Cole – City Boy Lyrics

City boy, learn to love the mob
City boy, learn to play guitar
City boy, learn to break your heart

Too cool for the slaves at school he goes
To the street to listen to the radio
City boy, too cool for your time

City boy said please drugs street, let go
But Brown John said City can’t take it slow
So die now but die loud if you have to go

“oh god,” city said he don’t know
“oh god.”
“City you’re on your own, I got my hands full with George and the war back home.”

So hard to see the system grow
No longer rockers ’cause all true ones like you soon go
To the drink or the drug or they just go home

“oh god, teach me of rock n’ roll”
But city cheated. “City you’re on your own,
I got my hands full now with George and the war back

*chorus repeated until end*

City boy, learn to love the mob
City boy, learn to play guitar
City boy, learn to break your heart

(he’s got two shoes and a plan, he’s gonna start up a band)

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